How's Your Existential Dread?

Hey Everyone, 

I've been a little busy, a little overwhelmed, a little tired, a little fed up, and a lot sad. But also, there has been some good stuff. Really good stuff. May is beautiful and it is painful.

I thought I wouldn't let any more time pass before posting something here because I don't want to let this kind of writing, this kind of connection, slip away from me again. Even if I can't say much. 


I am Lucy, assembled.
Standing on two feet.
What is there to eat? Drink?

What is there to hunger and to thirst for?
The night sky, viewed in awe.
A raised pulse and panting breath.

I can't be sure of my own evolution
until all is said and done -
and maybe not even then.

Until I'm naked bones in the earth, 
an incomplete story and a jewel
for those who dig.

Written March 6, 2020

A skeleton, perhaps?


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