November Drain

Hey everyone, 

I just wanted to pop in here and post something. Anything. I'm sending big virtual hugs to whoever needs one. 

Here is something I wrote this morning and if you are feeling just as perky as I am I hope it gives at least a sense of solidarity. 

Not a Primary Colour

Murky shades of
in between
Neither this, nor that
The loss swirls into
every colour,
lends the feeling of sorrow
to what was making
everything light -
the clear bolt
that flashed across my life
and re-ignited feeling
But November brings the dimming
of the light
All is shadow
My eyes can’t tell the green
from the grey
I want to sink into it
I get up -
saved by the minutiae of
domestic needs
and three small mouths to feed

A photo of a November day with colour, just to refute my own point.


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