À New York

My marriage is over. Those brutal words hit me in a new and profound way as I woke up on my first morning in New York this past week. Of course, I knew that to be true on one level, being a widow now for nine months, but the understanding of those words and what it means for my life today goes deeper now. I am beginning to be aware of the all the ways my marriage to Joel shaped my thoughts, my worldview, and my actions. I had boxed in my ways of thinking in order to support the structure of our marriage. Recently, I have been running up against this framework and it was causing me some mental anguish. It need not. The marriage is over. Sad as that might be, there is hope in it.

À New York

À New York 
notre mariage n'éxiste plus
je déplace un cercle d'or

À New York
on a posé les fondations de notre vie ensemble
je reconstruit toute seule

À New York
tu es toujours avec moi
tu es en moi

À New York
je fais de la paix avec mes mémoires

-written February 20, 2020


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